Friday, February 17, 2012

Kenya Missions Trip February 2012

February 17, 2012

Dear Friends and Family –

We are back!  Heather and I are home and recovering from the jet lag from our whirlwind trip to Kenya.  It was an amazing trip and I am so thankful for your support and prayers. 

God was very evidently at work in the ministry of Care for Aids in the Nairobi area.  Heather and I (and the rest of the team) were SO privileged to get a glimpse into all that God is doing through this ministry.  We were able to learn about the ministry and participate in several aspects of it. 

Care for Aids is a program that partners with the local church to offer a Care for Aids center.  This center employs a Kenyan spiritual counselor and a medical counselor to guide clients who are HIV+ through a 9-month program of education and care.  In addition to learning how to take care of themselves physically, the clients are discipled spiritually. They are also “empowered” by seminars on how to start a business, farm, raise animals, and many other things that could help them take care of themselves and their families. 

CFA (Care for Aids) is all about restoring relationships and community. When a client is diagnosed as “Positive”, they are rejected by their community, their family, and often lose their job as well.  Upon receiving the diagnosis, they are inclined to just curl up and wait to die.  CFA lets them know that there is hope – they can become healthier, grow in the Lord, have a meaningful work and life, raise their children, and restore the relationships with their family and community.  These lives are transformed by this program and the hope that it offers them.  We worked with Cornel Onyango & Duncan Kimani (Kenyan pastors & CFA founders) and the American representative, Caleb Davison.  We served with Chuck & Terri Bateman, Ashley Humble, and Angie Albee from our church.

We were so blessed by being able to go with the counselors to several client homes for their weekly home visits.  We were able to see the sewing business that Veronica has started.  We visited Rose, whose daughter Carol has been in the program.  Carol cannot walk but you can see the joy on her face as we came into her home.  Rose has lost her husband and another daughter but she kept talking about the blessings that God has given her despite her losses.  Marietta lived in a small rental home (maybe about 6 – 10 feet square for four people to live in) but she has learned to have a “kitchen garden” in feed sacks outside her home and to raise rabbits to help take care of her family.

Medical Counselor Esther with Heather
We also got to sit with the spiritual counselor, David, and the medical counselor, Esther, at another church while clients came to them for their weekly visits.  I was SO blessed to be able to pray with these precious people and help hand out their weekly food gifts from CFA.  I was particularly touched by a woman whose husband had abused her and left her when she was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.  She is my age exactly and has children my children’s ages – 15 & 13, in addition to a younger child who is 8.  Another lady was 23 with two children aged 7 and 5.  She was not married and never got to go to school since her parents couldn’t afford the uniforms.  She was not a Christian yet but was definitely seeking the Lord and learning about Him through this program. 

Care for Aids has great standing in the community and is able to refer clients for hospital or medical care for illnesses that come up due to their lowered immune system.  They also help them get to a hospital to deliver their children so that the babies are not automatically born with HIV as well. So far, 100% of the babies born in the program have been HIV Negative!

We were honored to hand out diplomas to the graduating class of 80 in Ruiru.  It was a blessing to hear the stories of how the Lord and the ministry of Care for Aids has transformed their lives!

Guess what else we got to do? We got to help cook dinner and eat in the home of Ann.  Ann is married with 5 children and she and her husband had taken in two other orphans.  Two of Ann’s children were also HIV+.  Her oldest child, Mary, was 13 just like Heather and spent a lot of time holding Heather’s hand and playing with her hair.  Heather got to make balloon animals (with Chuck, another team member) and play with the kids.  What an amazing experience that was!

On Friday through Sunday, Heather and I got to head off to Rift Valley Academy to visit some of our church’s missionaries – Jon, Susan, Caroline & Ben Stocksdale.  The amazing blessing of this is that they are also our family (Susan is my husband Bruce’s sister)!  They have been in Kenya as missionaries for over 20 years and we’ve never gotten to visit them until now!  They serve at a K – 12 boarding school for missionary kids. Their ministry supports many other missionaries and enables these missionaries to serve in places all over Africa because they have a safe place to send their kids to be educated and loved.  We met a couple of these missionaries who are serving in truly dangerous places (such as Muslim countries in North Africa).  It was a blessing to be in their home and to tour the campus and the other related Africa Inland Missions/Church ministries such as Kijabe Hospital and Moffat Bible College.

The last day of our trip was amazing. We got to do a conference to train and encourage the Kenyan counselors and pastors who have a Care for Aids center. They are always pouring out to others so we encouraged them with ways that they can fill back up with the Lord so that they might have the strength to continue to serve. 

The grand finale was so enjoyable – we got to go on a safari at Lake Nakuru National Park.  We saw so many animals – Zebras, Giraffes, lots of gazelles and deer, birds, and LIONS!  We saw two females and 6 cubs then a while later, we saw two male lions cross right in front of our safari van! 

As in so many trips where you go to serve others, we received blessings that seemed so far above what we were able to give.  Heather got a glimpse of the world of poverty and suffering beyond what she had ever seen but we still got to see the joy of Christ in the lives of these people and the hope that they were receiving from the Care for Aids program.  We visited homes and churches located in slums and saw the wealthy homes of diplomats and businessmen just a block away from such poverty.  The contrast of rich and poor in Kenya is striking.

Most of all, we were SO blessed to be prayed for and sent by all of you!  You have had a part in enriching lives and encouraging missionaries and Christian workers by sending Heather and I (and the rest of the team) over to Kenya.  Thank you for your part in this work!

God bless you and thank you again for the support you gave us!

In Him –

Brooke (& Heather) Marsh