Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I started doing the whole money-saving coupon thing last year and I must admit it isn't going too well right now.  I went to a coupon workshop at church taught by the lady from Southern Savers.  I learned a lot but I'm certainly not saving as much as she does each time I shop.  I think my issue is that I don't always want or need the products that are on sale and have a coupon to go with them.  I am stockpiling and trying to go along with the six week rotation and trying to pay the lowest price on items.  I think my family just has too many specific items that we purchase that don't have coupons.  I do try to check the websites (like the Southern Savers and Time 2 Save) for deals on things I DO buy and that helps.  I have come to the point that anything I save is a good thing so it is worth it to cut coupons and save them.  I use the binder/notebook, divided into categories, with baseball card sleeves to hold the coupons.  It doesn't hurt to take it with me when I shop and use what I can.  I am particularly fond of places that double coupons (most the time only under 55 cents but that is still good) like Bi-Lo and Publix.  I do feel a sense of victory when I combine a coupon that doubles with a great sale like a buy one get one free sale.

So, although I haven't lowered my grocery bill to $40/week, I am still glad to look for bargains, sales, and use coupons. Every little bit helps.

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