Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Home Remodeling and Change

Daniel asked me last night why I liked to change things so often around the house. He said he thought things were just fine the way they were (he said this while helping me scrape off an almost unscrape-able wall paper border in the kitchen so that could factor into his question).  I had to think a minute but my reply basically consisted of the following ideas.  I like to make the world around me more enjoyable and more beautiful.  I like to use the creativity that God gave me to model His creativity in the world around me.  I like for my environment to make me smile and to be enjoyable to view.  I like to improve things. I like to express myself in the home remodeling I do and to make the place better for my family.  Re-painting is an easy way to to that and other remodeling is another way.  Quilting is another way I express my creativity as is gardening (vegetables and flowers).

Change in general isn't easy for a lot of people.  I actually am the opposite - I enjoy change and get bored if things stay the same all the time.  This is true of me in my job, in the house, in my hobbies, and more.  I am sure I wouldn't be a huge fan of constant major change.  We moved every year or two for a while and that definitely got old.  It is nice to have been in the same house for 6 years and to get to improve it bit by bit.

So, change can be good, if it is for the better.  I am looking forward to the end result of the changes in our home this summer - adding on a master bedroom and bathroom and fixing up the kitchen. 

I have been clued in to some great websites for home remodeling and re-design. They are:  Knock-off Wood and Copy Cat Chic.  I have also been shopping on Amazon and Overstock for bargains. 


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