Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kenya Adventure Begins

September 22, 2011

Dear Friends and Family –

I am excited to share with you that Heather and I have the opportunity to go with our church to Nairobi, Kenya!  The trip will be February 6 – 15, 2012.  Heather is now in 7th grade and has been feeling like the Lord wanted her to go on a missions trip.  She has wanted to go to Kenya for a while also.  We are both excited that this opportunity has come up for her (and for me too)!

This trip will partner with CARE for AIDS (  “CARE for AIDS partners with local Kenyan churches to operate life transforming centers that serve the physical, spiritual, economic, and social needs of men and women living with HIV/AIDS. Each of these centers operate from within the local church and serve 80 clients at a time. These 80 men and women go through a nine-month process of education, training, and support in order to live full, productive, and healthy lives. “  We will be spending time training and encouraging the Kenyan Christians who run these centers.

In addition to this blessing, Heather and I will also get to spend time in Kijabe, Kenya encouraging and assisting some of our Brainerd Baptist Church missionaries who serve with Africa Inland Missions at Rift Valley Academy – a school for missionary kids. The cool part is that these particular missionaries are family – my sister in law and her family – Jon, Susan, Caroline, and Ben Stocksdale!

This fall, we will need to raise approximately $2,000 each for a total of around $4,000.  Please prayerfully consider a donation to Brainerd Baptist Church to help with our support needs.  All donations are tax-deductible.  If you are unable to help financially (or even if you are), please keep us (and the team) in your prayers. 

You can mail donations to me or the church but please make your check out to Brainerd Baptist Church (PO Box 8159, Chattanooga, TN 37414).  If you turn in a donation to the church directly, please put a post-it note that it is for Brooke & Heather Marsh – Kenya Trip.

If I don’t have your e-mail address, please send it to me so that I can keep you updated on our efforts and on the trip. 

Thanks for being a part of the Lord’s work in this way!  God bless you!

In Him,

Brooke & Heather Marsh

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  – James 1:27