Friday, November 18, 2011

Technology for the Young Child - iPads

Technology for the Young Child
The iPad

 (This is from a presentation at Parent Night at Brainerd Baptist School given on November 17, 2011)

Students today are called “digital natives”.  This means that they have never known a time when technology (the internet, computers, cell phones) did not exist and impact their lives in some way.  They are naturals with technology and were practically born with an electronic device in their hands.  Since technology is natural to them, we can use it to help them learn!  One of the ways we do this is with the iPad!

Top Rated & Kid Approved (at BBS)
Here are some of the favorite preschool apps that we use on the iPad here at BBS:
1.     Monkey Preschool Lunchbox
2.     Fish School HD by Duck Duck Moose
3.     Martha Speaks Dog Party
4.     Super Why
5.     123 Color
6.     Starfall ABC

Drawing and Painting Games
1.     123 Color
2.     Preschool Connect the Dots (by Touchscreen Preschool Games)
3.     Let’s Make Shapes
4.     Scribblebeard (Kidoodle Pirates)

Other Apps that We Use:
1.     Cars Matching
2.     Clicky Sticky
3.     Dot to Dot
4.     Touch Animals

Other Top Apps (from the iTunes App Store)
1.     Monkey Mathschool Sunshine - $0.99
2.     Mister Rogers - $1.99
3.     Super Why Paint - $2.99
4.     Super Why Alpha Boost - $1.99
5.     Chuggington Terriffic Trainee! - $2.99
6.     Dinosaur Train Eggspress - $2.99
7.     Dora Hops into Phonics - $2.99
8.     Dora Coloring - $2.99
9.     Dora Dress Up - $2.99
10. Dora Rhyming - $2.99
11. Caillou - $2.99
12. Tozzle Puzzles - $1.99
13. Starfall Snowman – $0.99
14. Starfall Gingerbread Man - $0.99
15. Wubbzy Kickety - $1.99
16. Wubbsy Kooky Kostume - $1.99

Websites for Reviews or Suggestions of Educational Apps

Need Help with Your iPad?
o   MacWorld – iPad 2 free starter guide
o   You Tube – iPad 2 Basics

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kenya Adventure Begins

September 22, 2011

Dear Friends and Family –

I am excited to share with you that Heather and I have the opportunity to go with our church to Nairobi, Kenya!  The trip will be February 6 – 15, 2012.  Heather is now in 7th grade and has been feeling like the Lord wanted her to go on a missions trip.  She has wanted to go to Kenya for a while also.  We are both excited that this opportunity has come up for her (and for me too)!

This trip will partner with CARE for AIDS (  “CARE for AIDS partners with local Kenyan churches to operate life transforming centers that serve the physical, spiritual, economic, and social needs of men and women living with HIV/AIDS. Each of these centers operate from within the local church and serve 80 clients at a time. These 80 men and women go through a nine-month process of education, training, and support in order to live full, productive, and healthy lives. “  We will be spending time training and encouraging the Kenyan Christians who run these centers.

In addition to this blessing, Heather and I will also get to spend time in Kijabe, Kenya encouraging and assisting some of our Brainerd Baptist Church missionaries who serve with Africa Inland Missions at Rift Valley Academy – a school for missionary kids. The cool part is that these particular missionaries are family – my sister in law and her family – Jon, Susan, Caroline, and Ben Stocksdale!

This fall, we will need to raise approximately $2,000 each for a total of around $4,000.  Please prayerfully consider a donation to Brainerd Baptist Church to help with our support needs.  All donations are tax-deductible.  If you are unable to help financially (or even if you are), please keep us (and the team) in your prayers. 

You can mail donations to me or the church but please make your check out to Brainerd Baptist Church (PO Box 8159, Chattanooga, TN 37414).  If you turn in a donation to the church directly, please put a post-it note that it is for Brooke & Heather Marsh – Kenya Trip.

If I don’t have your e-mail address, please send it to me so that I can keep you updated on our efforts and on the trip. 

Thanks for being a part of the Lord’s work in this way!  God bless you!

In Him,

Brooke & Heather Marsh

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  – James 1:27

Monday, August 22, 2011

Made to Crave - Weight Loss and Loving God

This summer, I discovered a book by Lysa Terkheurst called Made to CraveI heard her speak on Moody (WMBW) and then downloaded a free devotional on my iPad Kindle app and read it for 21 days.  Then I downloaded the book and read it on my iPad.

At the same time, God had already been working on me about the balance between Christian liberty and self-control.   I had been using the excuse that I was too busy to eat healthy and exercise, much less count points (Weight Watchers).  God had already been telling me that I needed to be obedient to Him and rely upon Him for the fruit of the Spirit (who already lived within me) and exercise self-control with food and with my time (exercise).  He had also worked on me in the area of idolatry.  I really WAS seeking satisfaction and reward and relief from stress in food instead of God. AND I was concerned about the example of indulgence I was setting for my children - I wanted to set an example of self-control, seeking God first, exercise, and healthy living (to the glory of God).

This book was very clear in laying out practical suggestions along with stories that touched my heart and my spirit.  The chapters always included Scriptures and I heard from the Lord in the verses and the words that He led Lysa to share.  She was always very honest about her struggles - no cute, perky, "I've always been skinny author" here, but rather a regular, struggling mom like me with a slower (older) metabolism, insecurities, and a busy life. 

Heather and I decided to do Weight Watchers to provide the structure and boundaries that we needed and it has worked really well.  But, similar to Dee Brestin's A Woman of Moderation , this book reminded me of God's love, God's call upon me, and that I should be seeking HIM first - above food and above anything else that I may try to trust for my satisfaction or relief or anything else. 

The issue for me in weight loss has always been the motivation - looking better, getting compliments, or even being healthier - were not enough for me.  But, wanting to learn to love and crave God more and wanting to obey Him (with his spiritual prompting and presence) has worked this time.  This book helped guide and affirm me in that way.

We WERE made to crave and we can choose to fulfill that craving in things other than God (like food or shopping or anything else) or we can fulfill it in the only person that can truly satisfy - God.  I've decided that this is NOT a diet but a lifelong choice of obedience (in what I eat and how I live) and seeking the Lord.  Whether I lose weight in a given week or not, I want to know that I have been obedient that week and that I have sought the Lord and grown closer to Him that week.  I am praying that the Lord will keep me on track and that I won't "fall off the wagon" but will keep growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

Classical Education Classes with Heather

It has begun!  Heather began her 7th grade homeschooling year with a bang by jumping into Challenge A at the Hixson Location of Classical Conversations.  She went from a very relaxed eclectic homeschooling year last year to, at her request, a more challenging homeschooling scenario.  CC is a program where a tutor (a.k.a. teacher) covers the subjects in a full day of classes and then she does homework and studies (alone and with me) during the rest of the week. The classes she is taking are:
She started about a week an a half ago (two class days and a lot of homework).  It has been a transition for her due to 5-6 hours of work a day, but, so far, I am VERY impressed.  In the last week and a half, she has learned how to do mind maps, visual organizers, KWO charts, how to research about an Amoeba and present it to class, how do decline Latin nouns and conjugate Latin verbs, read about the basics of our faith and creation, and drawn a map of the United States multiple times (drawn, not traced) with the state names, capitals, major rivers, and major features.  Plus, she has made friends, had fun, and met a wonderful tutor/teacher. 

It's looking good so far! 

She is also taking Art at Hilger Higher Learning like she did last year.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Joyful Creativity - It's Etsy Time

One of the amazing things about being created in the image of God is that he allows us to reflect His power to create by allowing us to make things using the gifts and talents He has given us.  It is a delight to bring Him glory in this way!

My sister Amy, my daughter Heather, and I have finally opened an Etsy store to see if anyone wants to purchase some of the creative things we enjoy making.  Amy is mostly doing beaded bracelets so far.  Heather is focusing on wire wrapped jewelry and I am posting quilted or fabric-related items.  Take a peek at our Etsy store.  We will be continuing to add things as we go along.

I have also had a couple of customers this summer who asked me to quilt some older quilts for them.  One of the quilts was made a couple of generations earlier so I figured it must have been made by someone born in the late 1800s.  Wow!  It was a precious quilt made with clothing from family members.  I quilted that one on a sewing machine rather than my longarm (Handi Quilter Simply Sixteen).  It was too fragile for the longarm.  I really enjoyed that project!  The other two weren't as old or fragile so I have quilted one on the longarm quilting machine and I am about to do the other this week.  I also made the backs of these quilts and put the binding on.

That said, I am hoping to continue to develop my quilting business.  I have a sheet of rates available by request. 

Learning Disabilities and Dragon Dictation

This past spring, my 15 year old son Daniel was re-tested with Hamilton County and re-diagnosed as having Asperger's and ADHD but was also diagnosed as learning disabled in written communication.  They suggested that, despite our efforts in tutoring and handwriting/spelling help, it was time to implement some assistive technology solutions.  Since he is entering high school this year and is planning to take Biology and Lit & Communication at Hilger Higher Learning, we knew it was time to give it a try.  Yesterday afternoon, we purchased Dragon Dictation and a small netbook (Acer Aspire One 11.6).  By last night, he was so excited and ready to go on writing stories, doing assignments, making lists of things that he'd wanted to put down but it was too difficult to type or write.  It is like it opened up a whole new world and a way for him to get the information inside his mind OUT.  The testing showed he is indeed very smart (which I knew of course) but needed help to be able to communicate and learn better.  Thankfully, Dragon Dictation is one of the tools that looks like it will be helping him to do that.  Praise the Lord for assistive technology.

He is also taking a summer course online at Giant Campus (Digital Art I) and a class at Chattanooga State (Web Design), both of which he is doing very well in.  Yet another encouraging and hopeful sign for me (mom) and for Daniel and his future endeavors.  The Lord always has a plan for us for a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Homeschooling High School

The scary day is quickly approaching when my oldest will be entering high school. The closer we get, the more I start to panic about homeschooling him for high school.  I am pretty sure that is God's plan for him for next year (9th grade) but I want to make sure I don't make choices that will limit him for the future.

His ADHD and Asperger's as well as his hands on and visual learning styles have so far been best suited by homeschooling and even some child-directed unschooling.  In "unschooling", he has chosen to study such things as Japanese, video game programming, world history (the Story of the World Audio books - I wanted him to do volume 1 and he loved them so much he asked for all of them and listened to all four them in a row), anime drawing, Christian comedy and more.

As I began to research the guidelines, options, and possibilities, I pulled out a book from the shelf that I had bought a couple of years ago but hadn't read.  It was Homeschooling the Teen Years.  This gave me a good overview of the ways that you can fulfill high school requirements, what colleges expect from homeschoolers, record-keeping, considering the GED, etc.

I still had questions so I headed to the website of my umbrella school - Home Life Academy.  I homeschool in Tennessee so I was thinking that there might be Tennessee specific requirements that I needed to know.  Their high school page of the website gave me details and videos on homeschooling for high school and even a goal sheet that I could print out.  Other useful info was found on the FAQ page.  The most helpful link was the one for homeschooling special needs kids.  It told me that I can use classes in each category at his level to fulfill the goals of the diploma requirements OR I can categorize him as special education for a diploma.  What a relief to know that I have lots of options for homeschooling high school.

My plan right now is to have him do some online classes (from Monarch Alpha Omega most likely)  and some classes (one or two) at Hilger Higher Learning (a local homeschool "school").  He is taking art there now and took math there first semester of this year (8th grade).  I hope to also have him take a summer class at Chattanooga State on web design and to do some other things to encourage continued self-directed learning while still completing requirements for his diploma.

With lots of prayer along the way, I know that God will direct me and Daniel along the path that He wants Daniel to follow.  I can trust that, above all, the Lord has a plan for Daniel to have a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  Isaiah 54:13 says - All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace. AMEN!

UPDATE - January 11, 2011
Life with a teenager is never predictable, even less so when that teenager has Asperger's and ADHD.  Daniel's disability in written communication has caused us to drop the two academic classes he was taking at Hilger Higher learning (Biology and English).  We are continuing them at home using a lot of oral work and multimedia.  He didn't end up taking any Monarch online classes.  He took Flash Game Design from Giant Campus and decided that he didn't want to be a programmer.  He is still taking art at Hilger and loves it!  We may end up switching to a special ed diploma (with Home Life Academy) or simply a goal based non-college track diploma.  He can definitely learn and loves to do so but not in the ways that other "neurotypical" kids do.  Daniel's current desire is to be a Christian comedian.  That'd be cool - a Christian comedian with Asperger's!  Now, to figure out a way to tackle Math this summer!?!

Time 4 Learning Trial

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning offers standards-based language arts and math curriculum. Science,social studies and art lessons are provided as a bonus for most grades. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Uganda Report


I love being a part of the international church and meeting my brothers and sisters in Christ who live in different places and speak different languages.  I love helping those brothers and sisters to do the work that God has called them to do. That's what I got to do from January 13 - 22, 2011.  There were so many amazing things that God did through our team and in front of the watching eyes of our team and many witnesses.  God was truly sovereign and at work in Uganda!

It was a blessing to be a part of the experience of proclaiming God's salvation to the people on the streets, at the gas station, in the banana plantation, in the villages, and may other places in Mbarara and Kampala, Uganda.  As the Bible says in Proverbs 19:21, "Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails." God's sovereignty was very evident on this trip.  For example, we were on the way to the Nakivale refugee camp when God showed us He had other plans.  One tire on the bus went completely flat and two others were unusable.  Amazingly, the whole team was flexible and had a good attitude. We all immediately realized that GOD was in charge and had other plans.  He brought a group of children from the banana fields and we began to tell Bible stories, do balloon animals and sing with them.  Later that day, the timing was perfect for several team members to lead several people to the Lord in town.  If OUR plans had prevailed, we would not have been in town at that time to meet those particular people. It was a divine appointment.

In yet another example, we were on our way to the airport in Kampala on the last night.  The luggage van had gone ahead to meet the second team coming in for week two.  Right before a gas station, the bus tire started gushing air again.  We pulled into the gas station.  After sitting in the hot bus for a few minutes, we realized we had yet another divine appointment.  We got off the bus and started talking to people at the gas station.  One Muslim man came to the Lord, as did a gas station employee.  Amber and I got to talk to a Muslim woman (the first time I've done that for sure!) and maybe plant some seeds.  And, we made it to the airport safely (despite the speed and agitation with which our driver drove) and on time!

We also got to share the Bible stories (oral Bible storytelling with drawing) and the gospel in several villages like Katete.  This village is made up of mostly widows and their children due to the toll the AIDS epidemic has taken on the men.  Many of the children are HIV positive as well.  However, there is a flourishing church there that is growing all the time.  In the dirt courtyard of mud houses, surrounded by banana trees, chickens, and storks in the treetops, we told Bible stories, drew pictures, presented the gospel, sang songs and prayed!  Amazing!

The Pastor's Conference at University Baptist Church in Mbarara (Pastor Enoch's church) was an amazing opportunity to disciple pastors and pastor's wives and women church leaders, many of whom are not trained to pastor but have a heart for the Lord and a call to serve His church.  We sat under the teaching of Reginald Lisemby, Uganda pastors, and Barry Wilks along with the pastors.  It was chaotic and wonderful to watch and listen to the message in English, Rwandan, and Runyankore (often almost simultaneously with the two interpreters).  It was a glimpse of heaven to pray with the women, our team praying in English at the same time as the other women praying in their language. 

One of the things I loved most about serving in Uganda was that we were PARTNERS, equipping and enabling the LOCAL church to do the work of the Lord.  We were serving under their direction, not coming in as know it all Americans who just breeze in and breeze out.  This was amazing to see as we taught the pastor's wives and women leaders how to tell a simplified Bible story while drawing a simple picture to illustrate it.  I often got to be the person who drew and I got to tell a story once as well.  The thrill was when the women got up, after about the third session, and wanted to tell the story in their language, using their drawings. They got excited about using this method to share God's Word with their people, children, and villages.  It was an incredible experience to be a part of this!

There were so many other experiences that impacted me and the rest of the team.  The team was a blessing - everyone had such a good attitude and was flexible and willing to serve wherever and whenever they were needed.  I was blessed to get to know many of these people from church that I hadn't spent time with previously (like Mary Ann & Gene, Amber & Nathan, and Tina & Brian who are from Illinois but we love them anyway) and ones that I knew previously from other missions trips or church events.  I was blessed with a fun, Godly, delightful roommate.  Abbie is only 17 but I think we are twins separated by a "few" years.  She reminded me of an older version of my daughter.  We enjoyed talking, listening to music together (Taylor Swift and Toby Mac in a hotel room in Uganda) and laughed a lot. 

We went to villages with mud churches, brick churches, and block churches but all containing people who loved the Lord.  We went to an orphanage with smiling children who slept on concrete floors and learned in classrooms with partial walls.  We gave out sweeties (candy) and balloons to lots of children (and adults) who excitedly called out "Mzungu" (white person) when they saw us.  We rode on bumpy roads for hours.  We saw animals like baboons, elephants, hippos, and warthogs.  We got to know sweet Ugandan Christians like Aloysious, Rose, Brenda, Primrose, Enoch, Ezra, Livingstone and more.  We enjoyed the stand up comedy and ready smile of our Kenyan guide, Duncan (who is also a pastor and co-director of Care for Aids in Kenya and is engaged to a lovely lady named Rose).  We got to use every type of potty known to man (from western potties to clean squatty potties to holes in the ground) and got pretty good at using them! : ) (I think I am going to do a coffee table book with pictures of potties around the world - thanks for the idea Suz!) 

We also got to be the hands and feet of the students at Brainerd Baptist School who donated money to help with a water purification system.  This system was installed in a couple of villages, including Pastor Viani's.  Bob Rann was the mastermind of this system and we got to deliver it to the village on the way back to Kampala.

Overall, the trip was a blessing to me as much as to anyone that we worked with in Uganda.  It was amazing to just rest in God's hand for safety and provision and to see His plan at work.  He helped me through motion sickness on the plane and to avoid it on bumpy roads.  He showed me His work through His people in Uganda.  He gave me the amazing privilege to be used by Him!  I am blessed to know more of my brothers and sisters around the world and to be able pray for them in the future.

Thank you to all who supported me on this trip, either financially or in prayer or both.  Thank you to those who took care of my family at home.  Most of all, I thank the Lord for all HE did on this trip and for the privilege of serving Him and for letting me see and feel His great love!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Good morning - woke up this morning to almost 8 inches of snow and it is still coming down.  It is going to be weird to go from 30 degrees to 82 in Uganda on Friday! 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency DVDs

Over Christmas break, my family got to watch all the episodes so far of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency show. They are delightful!  My dad and I have read all of Andrew McCall Smith's books in this series and the TV series is very close to the books and very enjoyable to watch.  It is good preparation for going to Uganda next week too - I have a feeling I'm going to love the people of Uganda if they are anything like the Botswana people portrayed in these shows.

I love the slow pace of life portrayed in Botswana and the focus on relationships.  The actors do a wonderful job as the characters from the books. 

I can't wait for more episodes to be released!

Heading to Uganda

It has been way too long since I've blogged on here so I wanted to take a minute to ask for your prayers as I head on a missions trip to Uganda with a team from Brainerd Baptist Church.

Here is the update for prayer:

Dear Friends and Family -
I just wanted to say thanks for all the support I've gotten for the Uganda trip.  The funds are all in and I have felt your prayers as well.  Please continue to pray that I will completely recover from the bronchitis I've had which has really affected my breathing (asthma). 

I thought I'd give you a copy of the tentative schedule while I'm in Uganda so you can keep the team in prayers as we work and travel.  There are 18 of us going the first week.

  • Thursday, January 13 - Leave BX at noon for Atlanta; Leave Atlanta at 5:30 p.m.
  • Friday, January 14 - Arrive Amsterdam at 8:15 a.m. and leave for Uganda at 10:15 a.m; Arrive Entebbe/Kampala 8:15 p.m.; Stay at Fields of Life Guest House overnight
  • Saturday, January 15 - Long drive to Mbarara; possible street ministry in the afternoon
  • Sunday, January 16 - Worship in the morning; ministry in afternoon (VBS, hospital, or evangelism)
  • Monday, January 17 - Refugee camp, church, ministry projects (eyeglass clinic, mosquito nets, vegetable gardens)
  • Tuesday, January 18 - Game park; church and medical clinic, ministry projects
  • Wednesday, January 19 - Pastor's conference (oral Bible storytelling training with women); ministry projects
  • Thursday, January 20 - Pastor's conference (same as above); VBS with youth or orphans
  • Friday, January 21 - Travel back to Kampala; leave Uganda at 1:45 a.m.
  • Saturday, January 22 - Arrive in Amsterdam at 8:15 a.m.; leave Amsterdam at 10:20 a.m.; Arrive Atlanta 2:10 p.m.; Arrive BX 7:00 p.m.
The team for the second week will be there until January 29th so please keep them in prayer as well!

Thank you for your support and prayers!