Monday, August 22, 2011

Made to Crave - Weight Loss and Loving God

This summer, I discovered a book by Lysa Terkheurst called Made to CraveI heard her speak on Moody (WMBW) and then downloaded a free devotional on my iPad Kindle app and read it for 21 days.  Then I downloaded the book and read it on my iPad.

At the same time, God had already been working on me about the balance between Christian liberty and self-control.   I had been using the excuse that I was too busy to eat healthy and exercise, much less count points (Weight Watchers).  God had already been telling me that I needed to be obedient to Him and rely upon Him for the fruit of the Spirit (who already lived within me) and exercise self-control with food and with my time (exercise).  He had also worked on me in the area of idolatry.  I really WAS seeking satisfaction and reward and relief from stress in food instead of God. AND I was concerned about the example of indulgence I was setting for my children - I wanted to set an example of self-control, seeking God first, exercise, and healthy living (to the glory of God).

This book was very clear in laying out practical suggestions along with stories that touched my heart and my spirit.  The chapters always included Scriptures and I heard from the Lord in the verses and the words that He led Lysa to share.  She was always very honest about her struggles - no cute, perky, "I've always been skinny author" here, but rather a regular, struggling mom like me with a slower (older) metabolism, insecurities, and a busy life. 

Heather and I decided to do Weight Watchers to provide the structure and boundaries that we needed and it has worked really well.  But, similar to Dee Brestin's A Woman of Moderation , this book reminded me of God's love, God's call upon me, and that I should be seeking HIM first - above food and above anything else that I may try to trust for my satisfaction or relief or anything else. 

The issue for me in weight loss has always been the motivation - looking better, getting compliments, or even being healthier - were not enough for me.  But, wanting to learn to love and crave God more and wanting to obey Him (with his spiritual prompting and presence) has worked this time.  This book helped guide and affirm me in that way.

We WERE made to crave and we can choose to fulfill that craving in things other than God (like food or shopping or anything else) or we can fulfill it in the only person that can truly satisfy - God.  I've decided that this is NOT a diet but a lifelong choice of obedience (in what I eat and how I live) and seeking the Lord.  Whether I lose weight in a given week or not, I want to know that I have been obedient that week and that I have sought the Lord and grown closer to Him that week.  I am praying that the Lord will keep me on track and that I won't "fall off the wagon" but will keep growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

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